
Automate PDF Generation for Human Resources

Seamless automation with Zapier, Integromat and REST API

Many companies and organizations use paper extensively for their historical documents and records. Paper is a very inexpensive choice, but it comes with many costs. First, they need to be kept in a safe location which can be very expensive and inefficient if the organization is not prepared for this cost.

In addition, shredding/deleting documents is complex. They need to be done manually by staff members, unlike electronic storage, where data is removed easily through the click of a button or at set periods.

Companies can easily convert their physical documents into digital versions to save space, reduce paper wastage, and lower operational costs to overcome these problems.
CraftMyPDF offers you an excellent way to convert physical documents into digital versions.

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PDF document generation made easy with CraftMyPDF

You can use CraftMyPDF to digitize various documents like:

Employment Contract

You can easily convert the bulk employee contracts and save them digitally to avoid any hassle caused due to loss of documents.
Performance Appraisal Documents:
It is always better to transfer the performance appraisal records into digital versions as it becomes easier for employees to access them anytime. All these documents are easy to convert into digitized formats by using CraftMyPDF.


By converting payslips into digital versions, you can save on storage space. In addition, digitized payslips are easily accessible to the employees, and they can carry all their documents on just one USB drive.

Job confirmation

With CraftMyPDF, you can easily convert all the job confirmations into digital versions and save on a lot of storage space. During the employee onboarding process, the digital versions become convenient to use.

Non-Compete Agreement

For avoiding disputes between the company and the employees, it is essential to retain digital copies of non-compete agreements. Using CraftMyPDF, you can digitize all such documents and create a clean paper trail for your organization.

The employee of the month certificates

The employee of the month certificates are a great way to appreciate your employees and motivate them for higher performance. In addition, digitizing such documents can help you save space and provide easy access to the same through USB drives or cloud storage.

Design and Create PDF documents with a Drag-and-drop Editor

CraftMyPDF’s drag & drop editor lets you design PDF templates in any browser and generate pixel-perfect PDF documents from reusable templates and JSON data.


Easy to Use Drag-and-Drop Template Editor

Our advanced drag-and-drop template editor lets you create PDF templates easily.

We offer a wide range of components including Labels, Images, QR Codes, Barcodes, Subsections, Lines, Rectangles, Circles, HTML, and various charts.

Importing Existing PDF Files as Templates

Streamline your PDF creation by importing existing PDF as templates with preserved layout and design.

You can easily overlay or add text, QR codes, and images to existing PDFs.

Powerful Expressions & Formatting Support

Our PDF template editor supports expressions and formatting for datetime, currency and custom formatting. Learn more about our built-in functions.

Need to perform complex calculations? We also support user-defined functions using JavaScript.

Generate PDF Documents Within Your Region

A regional API endpoint is intended for customers in the same region. The data for the request and generated PDFs are processed and stored within the region.

We offer endpoints in four locations: The US, EU(Germany), Singapore and Australia.
Learn more

PDF Generation & Image Generation API

Our cloud-based API helps you to generate PDF documents or images (JPEG/PNG) .

We support synchronously or asynchronously PDF generation scale without the costs of maintenance.

Automate with Nocode or Lowcode Platforms

Our platform seamlessly integrates with a variety of tools such as Zapier, Make.com, Bubble.io, Coda.io, and REST API.

The no-code and low-code platforms make the process of generating PDF documents exceptionally easy and efficient.

Support of Fillable Components

With our fillable components, you can create PDF forms using our drag-and-drop editor.

We offer fillable components such as text boxes, checkboxes, dropdown menus, radio buttons, and signature fields.

Embedding of Our PDF Template Editor in Your Application

Need a PDF template editor for your users or customers? We support embedding of our PDF editor right into your application.

This gives your users more liberty to manage their documents while also reducing your development costs.

Automate PDF creation with no-code tools and PDF generation API

With our integration with Zapier, Integromat and REST API,
Your PDF generation has never been so easy!









Sample Templates and CraftMyPDF's Template Editor

Click on the Editor button to see CraftMyPDF’s template editor in action

Packing List

Launch Editor | View PDF

A packing list with images and barcodes

Complex invoice

Launch Editor | View PDF

Complex Invoice with multiple-level JSON(using sub-section)


Launch Editor | View PDF

3 QRCode columns in a row

Certificate Sample 1

Launch Editor

Modern and Geometric Purple Certificate

Certificate Sample 2

Launch Editor

Bold and Dynamic Certificate

Certificate Sample 3

Launch Editor

Colourful, Fun & Celebratory Pink Certificate

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