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How to Overlay Text on an Image in HTML and CSS

CraftMyPDF’s Image Generation API: Now, if coding isn’t really your thing or you just want a quicker solution, CraftMyPDF has got you covered. Their API is designed to make the process of generating images with text overlays a breeze.

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Generate PDFs in C# with 8 Libraries (2024 Updated)

In this article, we will cover different options available, including using libraries such as iTextSharp and PdfSharp, cloud-based APIs such as CraftMyPDF, built-in classes in the .NET Framework like the PrintDocument class, and the Microsoft Office Interop library.

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How to generate PDF documents with 4 Popular PHP Libraries (Updated 2024)

There are various libraries available to generate PDF documents with PHP such as FPDF, TCPDF, or DOMPDF. These libraries provide a wide range of features for creating PDF documents, such as setting page size, margins, fonts, and images.

In this article, I would briefly discuss some of these libraries along with some code snippets and show you how to generate a PDF document using PHP and CraftMyPDF.

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How to Dynamically Create a Trackable QR Code in a PDF Without Coding

In this article, we’ll explore a range of topics including free QR code tools, tips and tricks for using QR codes effectively, and various use cases.

In addition, we will guide you through automating the generation of dynamic QR codes using Zapier, Airtable, and CraftMyPDF’s PDF or image generation APIs.

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A Guide to Generate Barcodes and QRcodes

In this article, we’ll explore barcodes and QR codes, discussing their applications and how they’re used in various scenarios. I’ll guide you through the steps to create these codes using Python and Node.js. Additionally, we’ll look at how to generate barcodes and QR codes with CraftMyPDF, which supports REST API and integrates seamlessly with no-code platforms like Zapier, Make.com, and Bubble.

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How to Generate PDF Name cards Automatically with Node.js, PHP and Python

Thinking of getting a business card already? Worry less. In this article, I will be showing you how to auto-generate name cards with Node.js, PHP, and Python using a pre-designed template from CraftMyPDF. So, next time you attend an event or meet someone new, you have your personalized name card ready to do the trick!

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How to Generate PDF Invoices with Zapier

With PDF invoices, it’s easier to send invoices directly to clients without needing paper copies.

In this article, I would be showing you how to generate PDF invoices with Zapier and also help you understand the benefits of doing this. Let’s get to it!

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Best-performing Banner Ads Sizes in 2023

Choosing the most appropriate banner for your company isn’t always easy. There are lots of things to consider such as the color, size, type of banner, and so on. This could be a little problematic if you have no knowledge of the different types of banner ads but don’t worry, that’s why I’m here.

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How to create PDF invoices with Bubble.io

In this tutorial, we will create line items for an invoice template.

The takeaway of the tutorial is to build JSON with our Bubble plugin actions Thing(s) to JSON and Build JSON for complex JSON that consists of line items(an array). Then, the JSON will be used for generating the dynamic PDF documents.

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How to generate PDFs with Retool

Retool is a low-code platform that is used by businesses to build applications faster, these applications include creating admin panels, dashboards, and even PDFs.

This tutorial is going to guide you on creating PDFs with Retool.

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